Tooth decay is an infectious bacterial disease. Bacteria are transmitted from parent to child, from sibling to sibling and from spouse to spouse.
Harmful “acid-loving” bacteria (streptococcus mutans) cannot use xylitol as an energy source and are literally starved.
Dental disease will never end unless these harmful bacteria are eliminated from the mouth.
Tooth damage and decay when mouth acidity is in the danger zone. Eat xylitol immediately after meals,snacks and drinks. Xylitol stimulates alkaline saliva to quickly neutralize acidity and protect teeth.
Minerals in saliva can flow into teeth (a process called "remineralization") each time Xylitol is eaten. Xylitol helps heal soft or damaged areas and rebuild tooth strength. If children eat xylitol one year before their teeth are erupting, it will give them long-term protection for their new teeth.
Mouth dryness and acidity provide perfect conditions for cavities, dental damage and plaque buildup. Studies show that eating 6 grams of xylitol regularly per day will remove harmful bacteria from dental plaque in about 5 weeks. In 6 months, 95 percent of the harmful bacteria will have gone. After two years of eating xylitol regularly, plaque bacteria will be less adhesive and plaque will stop forming on teeth.
ABOUT XYLITOL - Xylitol is found in the fibers of fruits and vegetables. It was used in diabetic treatments over 100 years ago. Birch wood was the original source of commercially produced xylitol in the 1940’s and this remains a premier source today. Xylitol has been used in Europe for baking, cooking and to sweeten coffee and tea since WWII.
Granular xylitol looks and almost tastes exactly like sugar (sucrose) but with 40 percent fewer calories.
During the 1950’s it was discovered that xylitol could prevent ear infections in children. Hundreds of studies have confirmed the safety and health benefits of xylitol. In the US military, xylitol gum is used by the troops to protect their teeth.
Native Americans knew that wrapping their precious medicines in the bark of a birch tree would protect them from fungus and bacteria. Birch bark was made into teething rattles for children and chewed by adults to protect and strengthen their teeth.